navigate-mmcore-plugin is a plugin for navigate, a microscope control software.
navigate-mmcore-plugin enables users to access devices supported by the Micro-Manager Core API (MMCore), greatly increasing the number of devices that can be controlled by navigate. Currently, navigate-mmcore-plugin supports the following devices:
Future versions of navigate-mmcore-plugin will support additional devices, including:
Filter Wheels
This project is under active development. See our GitHub repository for updates.
Not all devices supported by the Micro-Manager Core API have been tested by the Dean Lab. They are available for use at your own risk. If you encounter any issues, please report them on as an issue on GitHub. No warranty is provided for the use of this software.
Please be advised that while the Dean Lab has implemented several safeguards in the automation of hardware, including but not limited to stage limits, voltage minimums, and maximums, are more, there are inherent risks associated with the use of such automated systems. Despite these precautions, the complexity and nature of automated hardware can lead to unpredictable outcomes. Therefore, the Dean Lab and UT Southwestern expressly disclaim any responsibility for any damages, losses, or injuries that may arise from or be related to the use of navigate. Users should be aware of these risks and agree to utilize navigate at their own risk.
navigate-mmcore-plugin was developed by the Dean lab at UT Southwestern Medical Center by Annie (Xiaoding) Wang. More information about the Dean Lab can be found here.
Micro-Manager is an open-source software for microscope control and image acquisition that is generously supported by a very generous community of developers. The Dean Lab would like to thank the Micro-Manager team for their selfless contributions to the scientific community. This includes, but is not limited to, Mark Tsuchida, Nico Stuurman, Nenad Amodaj, Chris Weisiger, Arthur Edelstein, Henry Pinkard, Karl Hoover, Ziah Dean, and Oleksiy Danihkhno. We would also like to thank Talley Lambert for his advice in the development of this plugin.
navigate is supported by:
UT Southwestern and University of North Carolina Center for Cell Signaling, a Biomedical Technology Development and Dissemination (BTDD) Center funded by the NIH NIGMS (RM1GM145399).
The Center for Metastatic Tumor Imaging, a Cellular Cancer Biology Imaging Research (CCBIR) program funded by the NIH NCI (U54CA268072).
The Simmons Comprehensive Cancer Center at UT Southwestern Medical Center.
The President’s Research Council at UT Southwestern Medical Center.