Plugin Architecture

navigate is designed with extensibility. Users can seamlessly integrate custom GUI plugins, device plugins, new feature plugins, and even define specific acquisition modes.

Introduction to Plugins

The navigate plugin system gives users the flexibility to extend its functionality according to their specific needs. navigate will load plugins automatically and users can use their plugins with navigate seamlessly.

Installing a Plugin

Once you’ve built a plugin or downloaded a navigate plugin, you can easily install it. Here, we have downloaded the Navigate Confocal-Projection Plugin.

  1. You can install the navigate-confocal-projection plugin by selecting the menu Plugins ‣ Install Plugin.

  2. Select the folder ConfocalProjectionPlugin and click Select. The plugin is now installed.

    ../_images/plugin_2.png ../_images/plugin_3.png
  3. Restart navigate to use this installed plugin.

Uninstalling a Plugin

Uninstalling a plugin is very easy.

  1. Select Plugins ‣ Uninstall Plugins. This will open a popup window where you can see all of the currently installed plugins.

  2. Select the plugin you want to uninstall.

  3. Click Uninstall.

  4. Restart navigate to fully remove the uninstalled plugin.

Designing a Plugin

Using a Plugin Template

A comprehensive plugin template is provided. Users could download the plugin template from github and build plugins on it.

Plugin Structure:

    ├── controller/
    │   ├──
    |   ├── ...
    ├── model/
    |   ├── devices/
    │   │   └── plugin_device/
    │   │       ├──
    │   │       ├──
    │   │       └──
    │   └── features/
    │           ├──
    │           ├── ...
    ├── view/
    |   ├──
    |   ├── ...
    └── plugin_config.yml


The template shows a plugin with GUI, device, feature, feature_list and acquisition mode. If your plugin only incorporates some of these components, you should remove unused folders and files.

Plugin Configuration

There should always have a plugin_config.yml file under the plugin folder, which tells navigate the plugin name, the GUI as a Tab or Popup and custom acquisition mode name. A typical plugin config is:

name: Plugin Name
view: Popup # or Tab
  - name: Plugin Acquisition

Plugin GUI Elements

navigate supports plugins with their own GUIs. A custom plugin GUI can be integrated as a tab or a popup. Users should specify a view option in plugin_config.yml. If it is a popup, users can find the plugin under the Plugins menu in the navigate window. If it is a tab, it will appear next to the Settings Notebooks.

When creating a new plugin with a GUI, ensure that the plugin name is consistent with the naming conventions for the associated Python files ( and Both Python filenames should be in lowercase.

For example, if your plugin is named “My Plugin” (there is a space in between), the associated Python files should be named: and

Plugin Devices

The navigate plugin architecture allows you to integrate new hardware device. There can be more than one device inside a plugin. If they are different kinds of device, please put them into different folders. For each kind of device, there should be a telling navigate how to start the device and indicating the reference name of the device to be used in configuration.yaml.

Device type name and reference name are given as following:

DEVICE_TYPE_NAME = "plugin_device"  # Same as in configuration.yaml, for example "stage", "filter_wheel", "remote_focus_device"...
DEVICE_REF_LIST = ["type", "serial_number"]

A function to load the device connection should be given,

def load_device(hardware_configuration, is_synthetic=False):
    # ...
    return device_connection

A function to start the device should be given,

def start_device(microscope_name, device_connection, configuration, is_synthetic=False):
    # ...
    return device_object

The template for can be found in the plugin template. ————————————-

Plugin Features

navigate allows users to add new features. New feature objects and feature lists can each be a plugin or components of a plugin. Features and feature lists are automatically loaded into navigate.

Please visit here for details about how to build a new feature object and feature list.

Custom Acquisition Modes

Navigate offers seamless support for custom acquisition modes, and registering a new mode is straightforward.

1. Download the template for

  1. Update the feature_list.

class PluginAcquisitionMode:
    def __init__(self, name):
        self.acquisition_mode = name

        self.feature_list = [
            # update here
  1. Update the functions.

Users should tell navigate what to do before and after acquisition using the following functions.

def prepare_acquisition_controller(self, controller):
    # update here

def end_acquisition_controller(self, controller):
    # update here

def prepare_acquisition_model(self, model):
    # update here

def end_acquisition_model(self, model):
    # update here
  1. Register the acquisition mode in plugin_config.yml.

    - name: Custom Acquisition

For more plugin examples, please visit the plugins in the table of contents menu on the left.