Optical Table

The optical table is the most important part of the imaging room. We recommend a large table, as it is better to have too much table than not enough. Ideally, the room is large enough that the table is not completely against the wall, so that you have access to the entire table.

Table Height

Having a table at the right height makes working at the table more comfortable. We recommend that the table surface be located approximately 38 - 40 inches from the floor.

Table Thickness

We typically purchase tables with an 18” thickness. In theory, thicker tables better dampen vibrations arising from on the table itself, including fans from cameras, voice coils, stages, etc. Practically, in our experience, the table thickness helps mitigate vibrations arising from the building itself as well.

Table Accessories

We recommend getting a table with a shelf and power strips. The shelf is useful for storing electronics and other equipment in a location where their vibrations will not be coupled to the table.

Hole Pattern

All of our optical mounts are designed to fit the 1” grid pattern with 1/4”-20 holes. If you would like to have metric holes, you will need to customize the mounts to fit the table.


Casters serve as a very convenient mechanism for moving the table around. We thus highly recommend getting a table with casters. Otherwise, most tables are sufficiently heavy that they will not be able to be moved once installed.

Vibration Damping

Many vibration damping systems actually amplify vibrations at low frequencies, which are common building-associated vibrations. To mitigate this, we recommend using a tuned damping system. TMC provides and UltraDamp series of isolation systems that

Table Installation

We recommend following the manufacturer’s instructions for installing the table. Importantly the frame, and the table top should be level in order to achieve the best performance. Given the weight of the table, it is likely that professional installation will be required.