Hamamatsu Drivers

  • Insert the USB that came with the camera into the computer and install HCImageLive. Alternatively, download DCAM-API. The software can be found here.

  • When prompted with the DCAM-API Setup

    • If you are going to use the Frame Grabber, install the Active Silicon Firebird drivers.

    • Select … next to the tools button, and install DCAM tools onto the computer.

  • Shutdown the computer and install the Hamamatsu frame grabber into an appropriate PCIe-x16 slot on the motherboard.

  • Turn on the computer and the camera, and confirm that it is functioning properly in HCImageLive or Excap (one of the DCAM tools installed).

  • Connect the camera_trigger_out_line to the External Trigger of the Hamamatsu Camera. Commonly, this is done with a counter port, e.g., /PXI6259/ctr0