- class autonomous_robotic_sample_handling.model.devices.robot_arm.synthetic_device.SyntheticRobotArm(device_connection, *args)
A synthetic robot arm class
- __init__(device_connection, *args)
Initialize the Synthetic Device
- Parameters:
device_connection (object) – The device connection object
args (list) – The arguments for the device
(device_connection, *args)Initialize the Synthetic Device
Activates and Homes the Robot
Close the robot gripper
(wait)Delays robot operation by a specified time
Disconnects the Mecademic Robot object from the robot and system
Loads robot configuration data
(j1, j2, j3, j4, j5, j6)Move robot arm joints to the specified angles
(x, y, z, rx, ry, rz)Move the robot arm along a linear path (in the Cartesian space) to a given pose
(x, y, z, rx, ry, rz)Move robot arm relative to the tool reference frame
(x, y, z, rx, ry, rz)Move robot arm relative to the world reference frame
(x, y, z, rx, ry, rz)Move Robot Arm to the given Pose
Open the robot gripper
Pause robot motion for synthetic device
Reset robot error for synthetic device
Reset robot motion for synthetic device
Resume robot motion for synthetic device
(program_name)Start offline robot program
Zero the joints of the synthetic device
Return the commands for the synthetic device
- activate_and_home()
Activates and Homes the Robot
- close_gripper()
Close the robot gripper
- delay(wait)
Delays robot operation by a specified time
- Parameters:
wait (float) – time in seconds to delay the robot
- disconnect()
Disconnects the Mecademic Robot object from the robot and system
- load_robot_config()
Loads robot configuration data
- move_joints(j1, j2, j3, j4, j5, j6)
Move robot arm joints to the specified angles
- Parameters:
j1 (float) – Angle of joint 1
j2 (float) – Angle of joint 2
j3 (float) – Angle of joint 3
j4 (float) – Angle of joint 4
j5 (float) – Angle of joint 5
j6 (float) – Angle of joint 6
- move_lin(x, y, z, rx, ry, rz)
Move the robot arm along a linear path (in the Cartesian space) to a given pose
- Parameters:
x (float) – position in x
y (float) – position in y
z (float) – position in z
rx (float) – angle around x-axis
ry (float) – angle around y-axis
rz (float) – angle around z-axis
- move_lin_ref_trf(x, y, z, rx, ry, rz)
Move robot arm relative to the tool reference frame
- Parameters:
x (float) – distance (mm) in x
y (float) – distance (mm) in y
z (float) – distance (mm) in z
rx (float) – angle around x-axis
ry (float) – angle around y-axis
rz (float) – angle around z-axis
- move_lin_ref_wrf(x, y, z, rx, ry, rz)
Move robot arm relative to the world reference frame
- Parameters:
x (float) – distance (mm) in x
y (float) – distance (mm) in y
z (float) – distance (mm) in z
rx (float) – angle around x-axis
ry (float) – angle around y-axis
rz (float) – angle around z-axis
- move_pose(x, y, z, rx, ry, rz)
Move Robot Arm to the given Pose
- Parameters:
x (float) – position in x
y (float) – position in y
z (float) – position in z
rx (float) – angle around x-axis
ry (float) – angle around y-axis
rz (float) – angle around z-axis
- open_gripper()
Open the robot gripper
- pause_robot_motion()
Pause robot motion for synthetic device
- reset_error()
Reset robot error for synthetic device
- reset_robot_motion()
Reset robot motion for synthetic device
- resume_robot_motion()
Resume robot motion for synthetic device
- start_program(program_name)
Start offline robot program
- Parameters:
program_name (str) – String containing the offline program name
- zero_joints()
Zero the joints of the synthetic device
- property commands
Return the commands for the synthetic device
- Returns:
commands – commands that the device supports
- Return type: