

auto_redial(func, args[, n_tries, exception])

Retries connections to a startup device defined by func for a specified number of attempts.


Display an error message and raise an exception if the device is not found.

load_camera_connection(configuration[, ...])

Initialize the camera API class.

load_devices(configuration[, is_synthetic, ...])

Load devices from configuration.

load_filter_wheel_connection(device_info[, ...])

Initializes the Filter Wheel class on a dedicated thread.

load_mirror(configuration[, is_synthetic])

Initializes the deformable mirror API.

load_stages(configuration[, is_synthetic, ...])

Initialize the stage API.

load_zoom_connection(configuration[, ...])

Initializes the Zoom class on a dedicated thread.

start_camera(microscope_name, ...[, ...])

Initialize the camera class.

start_daq(configuration[, is_synthetic])

Initializes the data acquisition (DAQ) class on a dedicated thread.

start_filter_wheel(microscope_name, ...[, ...])

Initialize the filter wheel class.

start_galvo(microscope_name, ...[, id, ...])

Initializes the Galvo class.

start_lasers(microscope_name, ...[, id, ...])

Initializes the lasers.

start_mirror(microscope_name, ...[, ...])

Initialize the mirror class.

start_remote_focus_device(microscope_name, ...)

Initializes the remote focus class.

start_shutter(microscope_name, ...[, ...])

Initializes the shutter class on a dedicated thread.

start_stage(microscope_name, ...[, id, ...])

Initialize the Stage class.

start_zoom(microscope_name, ...[, ...])

Initializes the zoom class on a dedicated thread.



Dummy Device


Serial Connection Factory.