

camera_exposure([sample_rate, sweep_time, ...])

Calculates timing and duration of camera exposure.

dc_value([sample_rate, sweep_time, amplitude])

Returns a numpy array with a DC value Used for creating the resonant galvo drive voltage.

remote_focus_ramp([sample_rate, ...])

Returns a numpy array with a sawtooth ramp - typically used for remote focusing.

remote_focus_ramp_triangular([sample_rate, ...])

Returns a numpy array with a triangular ramp typically used for remote focusing

sawtooth([sample_rate, sweep_time, ...])

Returns a numpy array with a sawtooth function.

sine_wave([sample_rate, sweep_time, ...])

Returns a numpy array with a sine waveform

single_pulse([sample_rate, sweep_time, ...])

Returns a numpy array with a single pulse Used for creating TTL pulses out of analog outputs and laser intensity pulses.

smooth_waveform(waveform[, percent_smoothing])

Smooths a numpy array via convolution

square([sample_rate, sweep_time, frequency, ...])

Returns a numpy array with a square function.